5 Typical Signs that Your Body is Getting Ready for Labour

As the end of your pregnancy draws near, there’s likely to be a strong mixture of emotions, including anxiety, happiness and relief. As your body starts getting ready for labour, there are some tell-tale signs to look out for that can be a good indicator that your baby will soon be on their way.

Movement in baby’s position

You’ll already know that throughout your pregnancy, your baby has been moving around quite a lot. A few weeks before you’re due to give birth, your baby will move again to position themselves ready; normally with their head down and their back facing outwards.

Not all babies lie this way and some will lie with their back to your back, which is known as a posterior position. Alternatively, you could find that your baby is feet first – known as a breech position – or even lying across the womb in what is called a transverse position.

You’ll probably notice that you’re waddling a lot more than usual at this stage and that you require frequent bathroom breaks like when you were in your first trimester – this is because the baby’s head is now pushing on your bladder.

Cramps and increased back pain

If you find you’re suffering from an increase in lower back pain, this could be related to your baby moving around and getting in position, as mentioned above. Normally lasting a few days, this can be combatted with lying down with your feet up, a hot bath and asking your partner for a back rub.

Cramps, however, are attributed to something different. As your body is getting ready for labour, the muscles and joints are stretching and shifting in order to prepare for the birth, resulting in painful cramps, particularly common in first-time pregnancies.

Braxton Hicks contractions

It’s likely that you will have experienced Braxton Hicks contractions – the temporary contraction of your stomach muscles for short periods of time – as early as the middle of your pregnancy. And whilst they’re nothing to worry about these can increase in severity and begin to feel more powerful the closer to labour you get.

It can be easy to mistake these contractions as the start of labour, but generally they don’t last for very long and shouldn’t be painful.

Cervix dilation

Cervix dilation is a good sign that your body is getting ready for labour. Accompanied with effacement (thinning out) this can lead to a small plug of jelly to come away – something you’re likely to notice in your underwear when going to the toilet.

Known as a ‘show’, this generally happens a few days before labour and can be pink or red-tinged. This is nothing to worry about but if you feel the colour is too dark or the discharge is too heavy, then speak to your healthcare specialist.


An unfortunate side-effect of getting ready for labour can be diarrhoea. The muscles around your uterus will be relaxing in preparation for the birth and this means that other muscles in that area of your body will also be relaxing, resulting in diarrhoea. Technically a good sign – it shows you’re close to going into labour – it’s important to remember to stay hydrated with plenty of fluids.




Cells4Life Middle East:
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