Multiple Sclerosis is a neurological disease that attacks your nerves and removes concentration, with the latter stages making you unable to control yourself and the things you say, among others. In this article we are going to focus on some of the most important Multiple Sclerosis facts that you should know.
1. How Multiple Sclerosis act
Our body has a substance called myelin which can be found in the nerves and which protects them from damage. The Multiple Sclerosis condition will make the body attack itself and damage the myelin, which makes the body vulnerable. The nerves are unprotected and because of that the results will be very damaging in the end, in fact depending on the symptoms you will be able to pinpoint the severity of the condition.
2. Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic condition
Few people actually know this, but Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic condition that doesn’t have a definite cure yet. It might not be a fatal disease and people have normal life expectancy with it, but there are situation in which the life is shortened, but it can be controlled with the help of proper medication. Stem cells are also being used in clinical trials to potentially treat this condition.
3. Symptoms vary a lot from person to person
Yes, there aren’t exact symptoms, but things such as fatigue, dizziness, urinary symptoms, as well as weakness, walking issues and numbness can be an indicator that you might suffer from Multiple Sclerosis, so visiting the doctor is imperative if you have one of these.
4. Multiple triggering factors
There are a variety of factors that need to be taken into account when it comes to Multiple Sclerosis. Low vitamin D, a large amount of stress, infections, environmental exposure and many other similar things can lead to Multiple Sclerosis.
5. Women are more affected than men
It’s hard to know why this happens, but one thing leading to such a result could be the lower immunity that women tend to have, which makes them a lot more prone to such an issue.
6. Education is crucial
Despite the fact that there is no definite cure yet for Multiple Sclerosis, it’s important to make sure that you learn as much as possible about the disease and the way you deal with it. As mentioned earlier, only in some very rare situations it will shorten your life, so you can live with this condition as long as you make some lifestyle changes in order to obtain the best possible results.
7. It is a silent disease
Unlike other diseases, it’s very hard to detect, which means that you might be living with it for quite some time until you detect it. In fact, Multiple Sclerosis actually progresses during the remission process, which is strange.
These are some of the multiple sclerosis facts that you need to know. It’s important to make sure that you read these facts in order to learn more about Multiple Sclerosis and the way you have to detect it or deal with it, depending on the situation.