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If you’re one of the many mums that suffer from morning sickness, then you’re probably desperate to find a way to abate the feeling of nausea.So what’s the relationship between alkaline water and morning sickness? And can it help?

What is morning sickness?

Also known as pregnancy sickness, morning sickness affects almost 80% of mums-to-be. Despite the name, it can affect you both day and night, although it is generally worse first thing in the morning.

You’re likely to be affected by morning sickness for the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy. Between weeks 16 and 20, the symptoms will begin to ease off and after the 20 week mark, the sickness will have completely gone away.

Despite many women being rid of these side-effects around the 20 week mark, it’s not uncommon for you to suffer from morning sickness throughout the whole pregnancy.

What causes morning sickness?

It is thought that morning sickness is a result of additional hormones in the body, hGC in particular (human chorionic gonadotropin).

Although the exact cause of morning sickness is unknown, many believe it can be triggered by an enhanced sense of smell during pregnancy.

Can alkaline water help with morning sickness?

In the early stages of pregnancy, a mother will lose a lot of her alkaline nutrients in order to support the extreme growth of her baby. This means the likelihood is that the pH level of the body has been unbalanced and needs neutralising again.

The properties of Kangen Water®, a certain type of alkaline water, allow the body to be neutralised and provides it with the minerals it needs.

Another side-effect of being pregnant is finding that you suffer from a whole range of food cravings. Although pandering to these cravings is the norm, it could be the acidity of these foods that begin to increase the acid levels in the mother’s body. Coupled with the foetus expelling used up nutrients, you will be experiencing a higher-than-usual amount of acidity in your body. This acid waste can’t be disposed of in the same way the mother’s body will dispose of it and so additional alkaline supplements are required in order to neutralise the placenta.

Morning sickness and dehydration

Morning sickness can often be related to levels of dehydration during pregnancy as a result of the need for a high level of water in the body. Supplementing your standard tap water with Kangen Water will enable your body to stay well hydrated and thus support the growth of your baby.

One of the many health benefits of Kangen Water is its ability to hydrate the body and provide it with additional necessary nutrients. As well as nausea, actually being sick during your pregnancy will also dehydrate you, making it more important than ever to take on board the correct fluids – whilst avoiding caffeine where possible.
