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It can sometimes feel that being pregnant is a permanent state that will never end. The looming birth can cause several first-time mums to feel anxious. With the prospect of labour for first-time births being an average of 14 hours, it can be an especially daunting thought.

So how can you prepare yourself?

This article is going to look at the 4 best ways to prepare for labour.

Take the time to learn

There’s nothing like knowing what’s to come to help you feel prepared for labour. That isn’t to say that you need to have done it all before to feel prepared, but simply doing your research can provide you with a lot more confidence and help to calm those nerves.

No two births are the same, so it’s a good idea to watch a wide array of birthing videos, talk through the birthing process with your midwife or doctor and do your own research. Feeling like you know what is going to happen, and understanding it a little more, will help you to feel in control.

Learning a variety of birthing positions is also a great technique and will help you to feel more comfortable, but certain exercises are going to need practice – squatting is a great way to increase the size of your pelvic opening but if you’ve never squatted before, you won’t be able to hold the position very long during labour.

Speak to other people

There are so many negative labour experiences out there that if you don’t focus on the positive ones, it can all seem overwhelming and hopeless. Instead of opening yourself up to all this negativity – although tales of caution are useful – one of the best ways to prepare for labour is to focus on the positive stories.

Talk to veteran moms and learn about their experiences – no matter what you’re worried about, they’ll be able to shed some light on the true reality of being in labour. Make sure you’ve also spoken to your partner as you’re going to need their support as much as your newborn baby.

Think about help after the birth

Many new moms sometimes underestimate how hectic and stressful the first few weeks after birth can be. If you’re looking for ways to prepare for labour then think about what you are going to need post-birth.

Batch cooking meals and then freezing them is a first good step. Enlisting the help of a family or friend to temporarily help with the housework is another great idea. Even if you ask them to babysit whilst you catch up on sleep – it will be well worth it. So start thinking about this before labour to help give you peace of mind for after the birth.

Pack a bag

As your due date looms closer, a great way to prepare for labour is to pack your hospital bag so it’s ready to go at a moment’s notice. The likelihood is that going into labour could be very sudden and so you don’t want to delay getting to the hospital because you need to grab what you need. If your bag is already ready, you can simply grab and go.

