
Orthopaedic specialists in Florida, USA are now offering stem cell therapy to patients who have a variety of common orthopaedic conditions. These procedures are forms of regenerative medicine, which seeks to regenerate and rebuild damage or diseased tissue.

Stem cell therapy harnesses the body’s natural healing processes and focusses it to heal injuries or diseases affecting the body. By using stem cells to repaired damaged muscles, ligaments and tendons, orthopaedic specialists can sometimes avoid invasive surgery.

One of the patients taking advantage of stem cell therapy is Jeff Nykerk, an avid tennis player who suffered a meniscus tear a couple of years ago. Nykerk tried a number of pain medications before talking to his doctor about regenerative medicine.  

The procedure typically involves gathering stem cells from a patient’s bloodstream, concentrating them, then injecting them into the site of the injury — in this case, Jeff’s knee.

Dr. Stephan Esser, who performed the procedure says that the research backs the treatment: “The number of studies to come out in the past five years is probably 500 times higher than it was previously. It’s just so rapidly building up and it’s very exciting to see that,”

In this case, stem cells from Nykerk’s bone marrow were used in the procedure. They were taken from his hip, refined, then injected into his knee. The stem cells often sit dormant until they are required to repair tissue. As soon as they reach the knee, they notice the damage and begin making repairs.

Nykerk has noticed the difference within weeks, with less swelling and more mobility in his knee. He hopes to get back onto the tennis court in the near future!

Source: Stem cell therapy helping heal without invasive surgery

