Multiple Sclerosis is one of those conditions that bring symptoms which are quite hard to detect, especially at first. Not only that, but these also seem to vary in intensity as well. Here are some of the early symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis.
One of the most widely encountered symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis is the vision problems. As we mentioned, this can vary in intensity, but most of the time it shows a blurred vision, double vision or you can lose the ability to view vivid colors. The condition can appear to one or both eyes, depending on the situation. As mentioned, the issue might not be easy to detect, especially since the problem appears slowly and in time.
Numbness is another issue that makes you think you have Multiple Sclerosis. Since the condition affects your nerves, your body will send conflict signals and these are by far the easiest to see. Some of the places where you feel numbness are face, fingers, legs and arms.
Other symptoms you will encounter are muscle stiffness, pain and spasms. These are common in the Multiple Sclerosis patients, and to them you can also add the leg and back pain that seems to occur in this regard quite a lot of times.
Weakness and fatigue are some of the main concerns when you have to deal with Multiple Sclerosis. These appear when your nerves start deteriorating the spinal column and the problem will be there for weeks and weeks. The weakness will first appear in the leg area, but it will continue to move forward to the whole body very fast.
Balance problems – Such issue is encountered quite a lot in the case of people that have multiple sclerosis, and it’s caused by the fact that the condition tends to cause dizziness that makes it very hard for any person to balance himself/herself properly. In combination with other symptoms, this can be very damaging for the body and in extreme situations it can actually lead to immobility.
Bowel, bladder and sexual dysfunctions will also appear, mainly because the person will feel the need to urinate frequently, although alongside these a person prone to Multiple Sclerosis will also have diarrhea, the loss of bowel control and other similar problems.
Lastly, if you have cognitive problems then this might lead to Multiple Sclerosis as well. From small memory problems to short attention span, a difficulty in staying organized or even language problems, all of these can add up and lead to Multiple Sclerosis.
In conclusion, these are some of the early symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. If you encounter at one or more of these, then you might need to go to the doctor and make sure that you deal with them as fast as possible!