There are times when your kids will ignore what you have told them and break your parenting rules. If you are finding it difficult to make your kids be more responsible, here are some ways to teach discipline to your toddlers:
Time Outs
If your toddler is being impolite or sometimes just keeps on whining or talk abusive, then it is better you take some action. Taking action doesn’t mean you spank him. One way is to use Time Outs. Now, there is no need to send him to his room, instead make him sit on a chair and use Time Out with respect to his or her age. Once he calms himself down and you also get your temper down, talk to him and when mind cools off kids tend to understand their mistakes on their own.
Use Toys as Trophies
When you give toys to your kids, they sometime overuse it. They do not care about the toys, they lose them, they break them and then cry all day in front of you asking for a new one. In this case instead of using Time Outs you take away the toys from them and keep them as a Sunday trophy on your cupboard or showcase. Now, tell your toddler that he can have the toy back only when he behaves all week perfectly, and if he didn’t take care of his toys, no other new toys will be given to him at all. This will teach them how to take care of things.
Less Technology Stuff
If your kid is breaking the normal rule of eating with family on time just because he is busy in watching TV or playing games on tablets or smartphones, then it is time to take back the control. Parent’s have to show a little strictness to them. When they do not come on time for food, then no food. It might be a little harsh for parent’s to do, but when you do this it will be your first and last time, because afterwards your kid will not ignore you for TV. Make a time slot in which your kids are permitted to watch TV, play games, etc.
Tell Your Toddler to Respect Everyone
If your kid calls names to his brother or sister or any other kid, tell him to respect each and every one and make him understand how negative words can hurt someone’s feelings badly.
Miss an Event
If your toddler is routinely late for something, then they can miss it. In the event that they needed to go to a gathering, yet they aren’t prepared in time after rehashed warnings, they can’t go.
Pay for Damaging
If they have damaged someone’s goods, then make your kid pay for the damaged goods with whatever money they have. Of course, you have to pitch in some money, but make sure your child understands that if he do this again, then he will have to pay.