
Using Umbilical Cord Blood to Speed Up Stroke Recovery

New research is taking a look at using umbilical cord blood to improve the speed of recovery after an ischaemic stroke.…

Cells4Life Middle East

Stem Cell Gene Therapy for Treating Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Researchers from the Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell Research Center for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy at UCLA and…

Cells4Life Middle East

A Blind Woman Regains Vision after Retinal Stem Cell Surgery

A legally blind woman from Baltimore is now able to see again thanks to retinal stem cell surgery. The first…

Cells4Life Middle East

Sleep Guide for Toddlers 1-2 Years

There is a big difference between getting enough sleep and getting quality sleep. Getting enough sleep means that your child…

Cells4Life Middle East

‘Mini Brains’ From Human Stem Cells May Replace Lab Animals

Animal testing has been used by scientists for hundreds of years to test surgical procedures and new drugs. Unfortunately, there…

Cells4Life Middle East

How Cells4Life Save More Cord Blood Stem Cells

One of the most important factors during cord blood transplantation is the number and volume of viable cells available for stem cell…

Cells4Life Middle East

It Should Be Safety-First On Stem Cell Therapies

Many new stem cell therapies have been developed in recent years. Scientists are also discovering many new uses for different…

Cells4Life Middle East

Infographic: Using Cord Blood Stem Cells versus Bone Marrow Stem Cells

Here are the factors a transplant physician will consider when evaluating whether cord blood stem cells should be used for…

Cells4Life Middle East

Scientists Discover Stem Cell that Grows into Replacement Tissue

Researchers from University College Cork (UCC) have discovered a stem cell in rodents that can be used to grow certain…

Cells4Life Middle East

Mesenchymal Stem Cell-based Therapy in Kidney Transplantation

  Receiving a kidney transplant is the best option for patients with end-stage renal disease. Unfortunately, there is a shortage…

Cells4Life Middle East