by Cells4Life Middle East | Nov 16, 2022 | Cord Blood Banking
Storing the cord blood after birth is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to capture and preserve powerful stem cells from your baby’s umbilical cord that can currently treat more than 85 medical conditions. More than 40,000 transplants have been done worldwide...
by Cells4Life Middle East | Nov 11, 2022 | Cord Blood Banking
If you are an expecting parent looking for more information about cord blood banking, you might have heard or read about public and private cord blood banking. It would be a bit overwhelming if this is your first time researching about such topics. This article will...
by Cells4Life Middle East | Oct 28, 2022 | Cord Blood Banking, Cord Blood Facts
The decision to collect and store your baby’s cord blood is a big one. You want to make sure that you are making the right choice for your baby and whole family. But there are so many myths out there about what cord blood banking entails. We’re here to set...
by Cells4Life Middle East | Sep 26, 2022 | Cord Blood Banking
The stem cells found within a newborn baby’s umbilical cord blood has a powerful healing ability and have been used to treat many conditions including blood disorders, metabolic disorders, and certain types of cancers. That’s why many expecting parents are now open to...
by Cells4Life Middle East | Sep 19, 2022 | Cord Blood Banking
Parents researching about cord blood stem cell benefits can become overloaded with information. And unfortunately, some of the information they receive may not even be accurate. In this article, we’ll uncover the most common myths and misconceptions about cord...
by Cells4Life Middle East | Sep 12, 2022 | Cord Blood Banking
Your newborn’s umbilical cord is a great source of valuable stem cells that could help protect your baby and your family’s health in the future. That is why many expecting parents are considering saving the cord blood after the delivery of their newborn baby....