by Cells4Life Middle East | Sep 5, 2022 | Cord Blood Banking
Aside from the umbilical cord blood, the umbilical cord itself is also rich in valuable stem cells that can potentially save your baby or your family’s health in the future. And a small piece of the umbilical cord can also be preserved in a private stem cell bank...
by Cells4Life Middle East | Aug 29, 2022 | Cord Blood Banking
As more parents become aware of the healing and regenerative power of umbilical cord blood stem cells, they are faced with a major question of whether to save the cord blood at birth even if they have a healthy family background. For parents who have a history of...
by Cells4Life Middle East | Aug 23, 2022 | Cord Blood Banking
Saving a newborn baby’s cord blood after birth, most commonly known as cord blood banking, is nowadays highly regarded among the medical community as well as many parents, who are aware of the positive effects that it can bring for future sickness and medical...
by Cells4Life Middle East | Aug 15, 2022 | Cord Blood Banking
Choosing to store your baby’s cord blood sample with a private cord blood bank is one of the best decisions you will ever make. Cord blood is an abundant source of valuable stem cells that are currently used to treat over 85 medical conditions including...
by Cells4Life Middle East | Aug 8, 2022 | Cord Blood Banking
Stem cells from the cord blood are currently being used to treat many medical conditions. And thousands of cord blood transplant have been performed worldwide since the first transplant in 1988 to treat a young boy with Fanconi Anaemia using his newborn sibling’s...
by Cells4Life Middle East | Jul 17, 2022 | Cord Blood Banking, Cord Blood Stem Cells
Although most people assume that cord blood stem cell therapy is a cutting-edge medical technology, it has a history that stretches back decades. In fact, the very first umbilical cord blood transplant occurred on the 6th of October 1988 — over 30 years ago. The...