
New research indicates that combined stem cell therapy may be the key to repairing cardiac damage after a heart attack. The research comes from the Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute (ISCI) at the University Of Miami Miller School Of Medicine.

Researchers found that combined stem cell therapy, which uses c-kit+ cardiac stem cells (CSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), can improve cardiac performance in the weeks after a heart attack. It is the first time that this combination of stem cells has been tested for cardiac repair.

The study, entitled “Synergistic Effects of Combined Cell Therapy for Chronic Ischemic Cardiomyopathy”, was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology November 2, 2015.

Lead researcher Dr. Joshua Hare explains the concept behind the study, saying:  “Previous work from our laboratory strongly supported the scientific rationale for cell-combination therapy. Now, as the field is growing, ISCI is showing the benefit of combining multiple types of cells to produce a stronger, more effective treatment option for patients with severe heart damage and heart failure.”

This clinical trial examined the effect of combined stem cell therapy on large animals in the three months following their heart attack. The animals were divided into three groups with:

  • Group one receiving transendocardial injections of MSCs
  • Group two receiving a combination of MSCs and cardiac-derived CSCs
  • Group three receiving no treatment (placebo group)

MRIs were used to measure cardiac function before and after the treatment.

The two groups that received the stem cells both showed a reduction in scar size on their heart. The group that received the combined stem cell therapy also saw an increase in the amount of viable tissue, improved contractile performance, and increased formation of new cardiomyocytes — the cells that help to repair the heart. This group also saw improved cardiac performance for at least 12 weeks after being treated.

The study is very encouraging and leads scientists to believe that a stem cell treatment for repair heart attack damage is very likely.

Source: Study finds combination stem cell therapy greatly improves cardiac function

