folic acid

This post explains what is folic acid and why it is important for your body.

Folic acid is a complex and water soluble form of vitamin B. It is the main ingredient needed for the synthesis of RNA (Ribonucleic acid), red blood cells and DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid).

Foods high in Folic acid

We have to take folic acid from the food we eat because the human body does not store it. It is advised that we take the consumption of folic acid should be on a daily basis so that we have enough amount of it in our body. The form in which the folic acid is present in the food is known as ‘folate’.

Folate or folic acid is naturally found in green leafy vegetables. Since folic acid is a water soluble form of vitamin B, it is easily lost from the vegetables while cooking. So, care must be taken that the vegetables are not over-cooked. Microwaving or steaming the vegetables rather than boiling in the open might also prevent the loss of folate from them.

Foods that are rich in folic acid are as follows:

  • Cabbage
  • Asparagus
  • Milk
  • Lentils
  • Kidney beans
  • Baker’s Yeast
  • Egg yolk
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Oranges
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Parsnips

Why folic acid is important for children as well as parents?

Everyone knows the importance of folic acid during pregnancy – it is one of the prescribed things from the doctors during the pregnancy period. In order to prevent birth defects, women are prescribed to take folic acid on a daily basis. It helps in erythrocyte production. Proper brain and spinal cord development of an unborn child is dependent on foods rich in folate. If folic acid is not consumed in ample amount during pregnancy period, then it may result in brain damage, paralysis or a stillborn child.

Folic acid helps in reducing depression and stress, which may prevent dementia and other depression related disease and sickness. Folate also helps to keep the brain young and slows the aging process.

Not only adults, but children can also take benefits from the daily consumption of folic acid. Consuming folic acid will ensure the proper synthesis of red blood cells because if not, then there may arise certain complex diseases and disorder like anemia (A form of blood cancer), growth rate slows down, intelligence is affected, etc. The DNA which is responsible for telling each and every cell on how to perform their function properly also need folic acid. Teenage boys and girls should take folic acid for their growth and development both physically and mentally. Folic acid also prevents many heart diseases, both in adults and children. In fact, bread and cereal companies in the U.S. were asked to add vitamin B12 to their products which resulted in the decrement in number of heart patients.

The amount of folic acid that should be consumed daily according to various age groups are as follows:

Age group                      Dosage in Micrograms (mcg)
0-6 months                                   65
7-12 months                                 80
1-3 years                                    150
4-8 years                                    200
9-13 years                                  300

It is clear that folic acid plays an important role in our body’s health and development, whether you are an adult or a child. It is an essential vitamin so we must not forget to eat foods that are rich in folic acid regularly.