
Chris White, a one-time Super Bowl champion, has just received a first-of-its-kind stem cell procedure to help him play football again. White was a linebacker who has played with the Buffalo Bills and New England Patriots.

NFL is a very intense sport that takes a physical toll on the player’s body. White damaged his knees significantly over the years and was struggling to get back onto the field. He had undergone a number of surgical procedures to repair his knee joints but he was still in pain and unable to play.

The stem cell procedure took place at the University of Rochester Medical Center and used White’s own stem cells. The stem cells were injected into his damaged knee to repair his cartilage, restore movement and eliminate the pain he experiences.

Dr. Michael Maloney from the URMC performed the surgery. Dr Maloney described the procedure, saying: “This field of biologics is relatively new. We’re learning more about it all the time. A lot of patients come in and want to know about it so I think it’s exciting we’ve been able to accomplish that and can offer it to all patients.”

The stem cell procedure used bone marrow cells obtained from White’s femur. Doctors hope that the stem cells will encourage the body’s natural healing mechanisms to repair the knee’s cartilage over time.

Dr. Maloney suggests that this stem cell procedure will allow White to once again play at the highest level and get back to his professional football career. White’s goal is to be ready for the summer training camp later this year.

Source: NFL Player Has First-of-its-kind Stem Cell Procedure at URMC
