
A research paper released by Australian scientists suggests that stem cells will be capable of regenerating any kind of human tissue within a few years. They have developed a new stem cell repair system that may be capable of repairing damage caused by injury, ageing or disease.

The method used to create this breakthrough stem cell repair system shares similarities to the processes used by certain animals that regrow limbs. The research was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The study was led by UNSW Associate Professor John Pimanda. The new stem cell repair system reprograms fat and bone cells into induced multipotent stem cells (iMSCs).  These cells are extremely powerful for regenerating and repairing many kinds of tissue.

The procedure has been demonstrated in mice and will be trialled on humans by the end of 2017. Associate Professor Pimanda said of the findings: “This technique is a significant advance on many of the current unproven stem cell therapies, which have shown little or no objective evidence they contribute directly to new tissue formation.”

There are many different types of stem cells in the human body. The most powerful are embryonic stem cells, which are capable of differentiating into any other type of cell.  Embryonic cells help a foetus develop in the womb and form various types of tissue.

Adult stem cells are limited in terms of what cells they can transform into. This new procedure creates stem cells that are capable of turning into many types of cells, for use in various procedures. 

The procedure takes bone and fat cells, removes their memory so they don’t know what kind of cells they are — then they are turned into stem cells. They are then ready for transplanting back into the body where they can change into the cells that are needed.

It has allowed scientists to create a stem cell repair system, that may be used to repair tissue throughout the body. If the research comes to fruition, they will have found an endless source of compatible stem cells that can treat hundreds of diseases.

Source: Scientists Develop ‘Game Changing’ Stem Cell Repair System
