Technology to Grow Blood Vessels Licensed for Development

Scientists in the United States have just developed a new technology that can grow blood vessels using stem cells. The technology, created by Indiana University, is an important medical breakthrough.

The university says they can grow blood vessels using the technique and use them to treat circulatory conditions including peripheral arterial disease. Peripheral arterial disease causes narrowed arteries and a reduced blood flow to a person’s limbs. This disease affects about 3 million people each year in the United States. In some cases, the condition can result in ulcers or gangrene that leads to the amputation of limbs.

The company Cellular Dynamics International has licensed the technology and will develop it for use on patients. The company says that growing blood vessels from stem cells will help treat peripheral arterial disease and some other common circulatory problems.

While the human body has the ability to repair damaged blood vessels or create new blood vessels — it loses this ability over time. Older people and those with certain diseases will obtain the most advantage from this new technology.

The researchers use induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to create cells that are very much like the endothelial colony-forming cells in umbilical cord blood. These cells are excellent at regenerating blood vessels.

The stem cells are cultured in a laboratory, and then injected into the patient. They quickly go to work, creating small blood vessels in the patient’s limbs.

Tak Okada from Cellular Dynamics International explains: “A large number of cells are necessary for any therapeutic application. We chose to license this technology not only because it produces the quality of cells necessary for therapeutic use, but also because it enables the quantity by large volume production.”

This novel approach could completely cure the disease, helping thousands of people each year.

Source: Technology to Grow Blood Vessels Licensed for Development


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