Collecting the umbilical cord blood at birth is a simple and straight-forward process. It is done by the OB-GYN or midwife right after the baby has been born, when the umbilical cord is cut and clamped, using the cord blood collection kit provided by your chosen private cord blood bank. The collected cord blood sample is then transported to the laboratory for processing.
It is crucial that the cord blood sample arrives at the laboratory as soon as possible to be processed and frozen. It is also important that the cord blood collection kit maintains a cool temperature during transit, so the cord blood sample’s viability is not compromised.
The Role of the Cord Blood Collection Kit
When you sign up to cord blood banking with a private cord blood bank, you will be given a cord blood collection kit to be used on the day of your delivery. It is important that expecting parents check the contents of the collection kit when it arrives. The kit should be given to your OB-GYN or midwife on the delivery date and the hospital should be informed of your intention to save your child’s umbilical cord blood in advance.
The cord blood collection kit must contain the items required for performing the collection procedure. It should also be made of the packaging necessary to secure the cord blood sample at the correct temperature and ensure that it makes it to the laboratory safely. It is important that the collection kit complies with international regulations for the shipment of blood and that it is easy for medical professionals to use.
Cord Blood Collection Kit Assembly
The Cells4Life cord blood collection kits are designed in compliance with IATA packing instruction 650 and should contain three core components.
1. The primary receptacle – This is the cord blood collection bag.
2. The secondary packaging – This is the packaging which protects the primary receptacle and keeps the sample cool. Usually constructed from cardboard or plastic, with some form of insulation and cooling mechanism.
3. An outer box – A cardboard or plastic box with labels for shipping details.
Different cord blood banks use different quality packing materials and cooling methods in their cord blood kits. The method of temperature regulation varies and includes:
- Urethane foam and temperature stabilising packs (TSPs)
- Packaging foam and gel packs
- Temperature stabilising packs and foil pouches
- Insulated sealable foil pouches
- Polystyrene foam and temperature stabilising packs
Cells4Life currently have more than 150,000 cord blood samples in storage – shipped to our storage labs in the UK using our specialised cord blood collection kit.
The Cells4Life Difference
Realising the importance of the cord blood collection kit, Cells4Life have searched for the best methods for packaging and transporting cord blood samples.
The awarding-winning Cells4Life cord blood kit features a specialised “NanoCool” device. This device works by evaporating water in vacuum panels. NanoCool devices have seven times the cooling power of melting ice and reach the necessary temperature for transporting cord blood samples within 5 minutes of being activated. The water flow within the vacuum walls is regulated, so the device can respond to ambient temperature fluctuations. The device also uses a rigid plastic shell for added strength.
The NanoCool device allows the sample to be transported long distances while maintaining the correct temperature. This is important to maximise the number of viable cord blood stem cells.
The Cells4Life cord blood kit also includes a short manual which informs OB-GYNs and midwives on how to use the kit appropriately. Once the cord blood has been drained into the blood collection bag and packed properly back in the collection kit, the OB-GYN of midwife simply presses a button to activate the NanoCool. Then they seal the box and hand it to the waiting courier. The kit is immediately ready for shipping once the box is sealed.
Cells4Life have a strong record of adhering to world’s best practice cord blood banking techniques — our state-of-the-art cord blood collection kit is a prime example of that.
Would you like to learn more about cord blood banking? Speak to one of our specialists now on +971 4 3116613.