In a heartwarming and miraculous turn of events, three-year-old Tommy Bacon is now in remission from a rare and aggressive form of leukaemia, thanks to the stem cells from his baby sister’s cord blood. Tommy’s story highlights the life-saving importance of cord blood banking and serves as a powerful reminder of the value it can bring to families.
A Shocking Diagnosis
Tommy’s journey began in May 2023 when he started showing signs of illness after attending daycare. His parents, assuming it was just a typical daycare bug, weren’t initially alarmed. But when Tommy developed tonsillitis during a family trip to the UK, his parents took him to the hospital, where he was eventually diagnosed with juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia (JMML)—a rare and aggressive form of leukaemia. This particular variant is incredibly rare, affecting just 1-2 children out of every million each year.
Without a stem cell transplant, children diagnosed with the aggressive variant of JMML have very limited time. For Tommy, this meant that his survival was dependent on finding a suitable stem cell donor as soon as possible.
The Search for a Donor
Tommy’s doctors first turned to Australia’s donor registry to find a compatible donor, but there was no match. His parents then launched a donor drive, which eventually led to the identification of an international donor. However, just a week before Tommy was due to begin chemotherapy for the transplant, the donor pulled out. At this point, Tommy’s baby sister, Aria, was about to be born, and his parents were determined to bank her cord blood just in case.
Even though they knew it wasn’t guaranteed that Aria’s stem cells would be a match for Tommy, the decision to bank her cord blood was a precautionary one. After Aria’s birth, a second donor was located, but this donor also pulled out, leaving Tommy and his family devastated.
With time running out, Tommy’s father was prepared to donate his stem cells, though this option came with significant risks. Haploidentical transplants, where a donor is only a partial match, increase the risk of post-transplant complications. But before the family had to proceed with this last resort, the cord blood bank called with incredible news: Aria’s cord blood was a perfect match for Tommy.
Within weeks, Tommy received his stem cell transplant. Four months later, he was in remission.
The Importance of Family Cord Blood Banking
Tommy’s miraculous recovery underscores the value of family cord blood banking. When you choose to bank your baby’s cord blood, you ensure that the stem cells are always available to potentially help your baby—or even a close family member—should the need arise in the future. The great benefit of family cord blood is that the stem cells are genetically a perfect match for the baby, and there is a 25% chance they will match a sibling, with a 50% chance of a partial match.
Furthermore, these stem cells are always a partial match for both parents, which makes banking cord blood for every child in the family a wise choice.
But the value of stem cells goes beyond just treating rare diseases like leukaemia. Stem cells are being researched in clinical trials for a wide range of conditions, from spinal cord injuries to heart disease and even type 1 diabetes. By saving your baby’s cord blood, you are not just safeguarding your child’s future health, but the health of your entire family.
Tommy’s mother, Kylie, wholeheartedly recommends cord blood banking: “If it can change a life in such a huge way, why would you not?” She encourages all parents to consider it for the peace of mind it brings.
Tommy’s story is a powerful reminder of the extraordinary potential of cord blood and the lifesaving possibilities it holds for families. For parents who have already chosen to store their baby’s cord blood, your decision could one day make all the difference in the world.
If you’re considering cord blood banking for your family, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help you understand how it works and how it can protect your family’s health in the future.
Your child’s cord blood could be the key to safeguarding their future. Click here to download a FREE Cord Blood Info Pack now!
New Source: The Australian Women’s Weekly