Umbilical Cord Blood Saved the Life of a Man with Leukaemia

Umbilical cord blood is a useful source of life-saving stem cells. Cord blood is currently used to treat more than 80 different conditions including blood cancers like leukaemia. Given that umbilical cord blood is such a valuable medical resource, it’s hard to believe that it is often discarded as medical waste.

It is estimated that over 90% of the umbilical cord blood gathered from babies in the United States is thrown away. Doctors are working hard to reduce this figure and preserve more of the valuable stem cells cord blood contains.

Cord blood has saved the life of many people, including Seattle native Chris Lihosit. Chris was diagnosed as having leukaemia in 2015. Doctors turned to the bone marrow registry to find a stem cell match as a part of his treatment. They did mange to find a potential donor located in Eastern Europe — but to Chris’ surprise the donor rejected his request for bone marrow.

Chris was terrified that he might die without a suitable donor. Fortunately, he was granted access to a clinical trial at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. The trial was using the stem cells found in umbilical cord blood to treat leukaemia patients.

The trial was being run by Dr. Filippo Milano and his colleagues. They were testing the use of multiple units of cord blood simultaneously, to determine if it improved patient outcomes.

The cord blood used to treat Chris came from anonymous donors who had given birth at hospitals in the United States. Parents were asked if they were willing to donate their child’s cord blood to the trial. Some parents opted to save their child’s cord blood and store it in a private cord blood bank for their personal use.

Chris is now a cord blood evangelist, telling all of his friends and family about the life saving treatment he received.

Source: Man with leukemia says umbilical cord blood saved his life: “I’ve become the biggest advocate


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